Variety of Services and Specialities
Here at Tau our team provides a variety of modalities based on our diverse and highly trained staff. A list of a few of those modalities is listed below.
Clinical Psychotherapy
Our diverse clinical team is equipped to address most clinical issues with psychotherapy. We pride ourselves on taking a personal, relational and spiritual integrated approach toward psychotherapy that involves authentic sharing in session as well as a providing resources for recognizing unhealthy patterns and moving toward healthy patterns with skills training.
Psychological Assessment
We can provider a psychological evaluation regarding personality, diagnostics and learning issues per your request. Prices range based on battery of testing.
QEEG Brain Mapping
Brain mapping is a way we can measure brain wave activity including phase synchrony (coherence, phase lag) and magnitude synchrony (comodulation/correlation, and asymmetry). Several electrodes/sensors are placed on the scalp and earlobes. The sensors detect brain wave activity including Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta. Individual brainwaves are measured and revealed on a computer screen in order to see brainwave activity.
Through Brian mapping we can more accurate assess cognitive and emotional functioning based on objective data of your brain waves.
Through Brian mapping we can more accurate assess cognitive and emotional functioning based on objective data of your brain waves.
Neuromodulation Therapy
Neuromodulation is a treatment technique - Coming soon
EMDR Therapy
EMDR therapy is Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy. This technique is used with a variety of symptoms to address healthy of memories from trauma, to overcoming phobias and unhealthy compulsions.
Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention Therapy
Description coming soon
Pregnancy Loss Grief Counseling
Description coming soon